Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More Transplants

Tonight I transplanted a final 6-pack of Yellow Stuffer tomatoes, 3 6-packs of Cueno Giallo peppers, 3 6-packs of Black Beauty Eggplant, 2 6-packs of Alma Paprika peppers, 3 6-packs of King of the North peppers and added 8 Alma paprika, 5 Letchi Tomatoes and 5 Black Beauty eggplants to the empty space in a 50-pack.

I'm impressed that 5/7 of the Letchi tomato seeds sprouted since they got completely dry. The peppers that survived their cooking episode are also really strong with nice big root systems. The only total loss pepper wise seems to be Fuego F1 and they were also completely dried out at one point. Plants are amazing.

1 comment:

  1. psh! like you could even kill a doom tomato with your pitiful attempts at dehydrating them!
